The ICT & Computing Department offers a varied and challenging curriculum for our students, with KS3 students enjoying at least one Computing lesson each week.
Students in Years 7,8 & 9 will study a broad range of topics within three separate disciplines of Coding & Programming, ICT Skills and Digital Literacy.
Students at Canbury in Year 7 will look at Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation software, plus they will have lessons in basic Coding and Programming and an introduction to Computer Science. They will look at Digital Literacy skills, including Information Reliability and Searching Skills.
In Year 8, students will continue to progress with their Coding and Programming, learn how to use Desk Top Publishing software and further study Computer Science, including algorithms and computational thinking.
Year 9 students will then progress to Cyber Security, Ciphers, Code Breaking, Binary and Computer Viruses before then looking at The History of Gaming, Cyber Security, and Careers in Technology.
We have a range of visiting speakers coming in to talk with our students and open their minds to a range of vocations available to them, and the progressions that young people are making in the Tech Industry. Positive role models are incredibly important to us and we focus on inspirational figures.
Whilst all this is happening, all students have a strong focus on Online Safety for all years. Students have lessons regarding many aspects of Online Safety, as well as their Online Reputation, Plagiarism, Copyright, Privacy Settings and moral / ethical uses of the Internet.
Our students should learn
- What the cloud is and how to utilise cloud services
- To be proficient in using a range of digital online/offline applications
- How to transfer skills from one application to another
- How to use search engines effectively
- How to identify accurate information in the digital world
- To use blogs, social networks and other online digital tools
Our students should learn
- To be responsible when using social networks, technology and other online tools
- To understand the possible dangers they can face online
- To learn how to deal with situation they may encounter online
- To understand the impact ICT has on the world around them
- The positive and negative effects of ICT on their lives
- To learn how to use privacy setting on social networks
Our students should learn
- The importance of evaluating existing digital content
- To consider audience and purpose when designing and creating digital products
- How to effectively combine text and images to produce effective digital products
- To learn how to effectively edit, repurpose and combine digital elements.
- The importance of self and peer evaluation
- To be effective when working independently as well as when collaborating with team
Our students should learn
- To be able to create interactive games by using a visual programming language
- To learn a textual programming language and related computational terminology
- To learn about the hardware components inside a computer/tablet/smartphone To learn what an operating system is and why it is used
- To understand the history of Computer Science, as well as key figures in history
- To understand what an algorithm is and why they are used
- To have a basic understanding how search engines work
- To learn what local area networks are
- To have a basic understanding of how the internet works
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