
Admission Process



A Personal Visit is Essential!

Admissions Registrar: Ms L Boggi

[email protected]


Canbury School is a co-educational independent day school for students between 11 to 18 years. The school has a maximum of 76 students.

Deciding on the right school for your child is very important and we believe that a visit is essential.

Tours of the School with the Admissions Registrar are available on request. Please contact the Admission Registrar via email at [email protected] to secure your space.

Applicants for admission should register during the year preceding the desired year of admission. Applicants who satisfy the entry requirements and whose parents/guardians accept and comply with the “School’s Standard Terms and Conditions”, may be offered a place subject to the completion of the Acceptance Form and their payment of a deposit.

Equal Treatment

Our aim is to encourage applications from candidates with as diverse a range of backgrounds as possible. This enriches our community and is vital in preparing our young people for today’s world.


Special Needs

We welcome pupils with special educational needs, including those with Statements of SEND or EHC Plans, providing that our Learning Support Department can offer them the support that they require.  We welcome pupils with physical disabilities provided that our site can cope with them. However, we advise parents of children with special educational needs and/or physical disabilities to discuss their child’s requirements with the Head before he/she sits our online assessment so that we can make adequate provision for him/her. Parents should provide a copy of an Educational Psychologist’s report or a medical report to support their request, for example, for extra time or other special arrangements.

We will discuss thoroughly with parents and their specialist advisers the adjustments that can reasonably be made for the child if he/she becomes a student at the school.


Overseas Applicants

We welcome overseas students provided they have a relative or legal guardian living in the UK with whom they can stay and the student has an appropriate visa for entry to study in the UK.  The offer of a place depends upon a recent school report (written in English) and any supporting evidence. 

Canbury School is an independent day school. Students are admitted by a combination of assessment, review of documentation including EHCP, observation during trial days and interviews/ discussion with parents and professionals, as necessary, to ensure that Canbury is a good fit for the child. Students will be selected on the basis that they are likely to be able to cope with the curriculum.  Therefore, students should have an acceptable fluency in English. A specialist teacher could be engaged if appropriate, at the parents’ or LA’s request and expense.


Religious Beliefs

Although Canbury School has Christian roots, it is non-denominational and we do not select for entry on the basis of religious belief. We offer the opportunity for those of other religions to practise their own faiths.


School’s Contractual Terms and Conditions

Copies are available from the School Office and must be signed by parents as part of the admissions process. They are reviewed by the Governors from time to time to ensure that they comply with the law.



We hope that you and your child do not have any complaints about our admissions process, but copies of the School’s ‘Complaints Procedure’ can be sent to you on request.

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated if necessary.






Assessment Process


Senior Welcome Mornings


Open Days

Feeder Schools

Inspection Reports



It is actually very hard to find the words to express how grateful our family is to have found Canbury. The way our daughter has developed from Year 7, to today (going back after summer holidays to the top of the school), Year 13, is in no small part down to the continuous effort, commitment, patience, belief and care of every single staff member at Canbury. All the teaching staff and the support staff are a really special bunch of human beings; they make the place feel like one big family and go above and beyond to bring out the best in each student.

Year 13 Parent, September 2023