Canbury Bursaries
The Canbury Bursary Scheme offers a number of bursaries of up to 30% tuition fees. The Bursary Scheme exists to provide financial support both to parents of those applying for entry to the School and for current parents who find themselves in financial difficulties whilst their sons or daughters are at the School. All bursary applications are subject to annual means testing and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances and financial information provided on review.
When completing your registration, you should state that you may intend to apply for a bursary. The school will email you a link to complete an application for a bursary via our online portal. The school uses Bursary Administration Ltd to review and assess entrance bursary applications. This may include a home visit which, by necessity, will be at short notice. If your bursary assessment includes a home visit, Bursary Administration Ltd will contact you directly.
Bursary application assessments are conducted independently of the academic selection process. No action regarding your bursary application should be considered as indicative as to whether an offer of a place in the school will be made.
Please contact the Bursar for further details on 020 8549 8622 or via email at [email protected].