English is a core subject at Canbury and is studied by all students in Key Stages 3 and 4.
In Key Stage 3 in English, we try to make sure that students experience a wide variety of activities. To help establish a love of reading we have a small but diverse lending library and students are expected to have a personal book with them to read in any quiet time. Discussion, writing in a variety of styles, some role play and acting in KS3, shared reading of a range of different literature from newspaper articles to experimental poems and novels, together with the essential elements of grammar, complete the provision in years 7 and 8.
In year 9 the English curriculum is divided into two complementary areas – English Language and English Literature. Building on the range of skills developed in years 7 and 8, students begin to read more challenging texts and develop the skills which underpin the GCSE English courses.
In years 10 and 11 students study either GCSE or Functional Skills English, depending on their ability.
We offer AQA GCSE English Language and AQA GCSE English Literature. These courses build on the skills developed in KS3. Each GCSE course is assessed by two examination papers scheduled for the end of Year 11. Spoken English is internally assessed and included on the GCSE award. Full details are available from AQA’s website.
For those for whom GCSE English is not the most appropriate pathway the department offers Pearson Functional Skills at Entry Level 1 – 3 and Levels 1 & 2.
Students are encouraged to use a wide variety of online resources for the purposes of research but must be careful not to plagiarise. The GCSE exam answers are handwritten for most students so we will ensure that those pupils who need to will get a balance of handwriting experience as well as the use of IT to produce text.