Special Education Need and Disability
Special Education Need and Disability
At Canbury School we recognise that some students may have a need for additional support with learning and may find some areas of the curriculum particularly demanding.
Subject teachers deliver the curriculum at a pace and level that ensures all students in the class are engaged and able to learn. Their expertise is supported by the Learning Support Department who provide additional support for some students.
Most additional learning needs will have been identified prior to the student coming to Canbury School and parents are asked to inform us of any Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) during the admissions process. Early in Year 7 all students are assessed using MiDYIS and Lucid. Any concerns arising from these tests will be discussed with teachers and parents and if necessary a plan for support will be put in place.
Learning Support at Canbury varies according to individual need but can take the form of in-class support from Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), individual lessons with LSAs or teachers, therapies (such as Literacy, SALT or OT) or curriculum adaptations.
Canbury School has an inclusive ethos and will offer a place to a prospective student if we feel we can meet that child’s needs and that having such a student would not be detrimental to the effective education of other students. Students with EHC Plans will be considered for a place following these same principles.
We have experience of educating students with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASC, mild general learning difficulties, physical disabilities including cerebral palsy, hearing and visual difficulties and emotional or anxiety-related difficulties. We do not cater for students whose primary need is behavioural. Students need to be functioning within the broadly average range academically and able to learn in small inclusive classes with support if needed.