



Personal Social Health and Economics

These lessons help to tie all elements of the curriculum together and provide a real-world context for many of the skills and knowledge our students learn. For example, in Mathematics, students will learn about percentages but in PSHE percentages are applied in learning about interest rates. In History, students will learn about the evolution of our democracy but in PSHE we evaluate the modern political landscape and why it is important to vote. In Science, students learn about reproduction but in PSHE we look at sex in the context of relationships.


The PSHE curriculum is based on a set of three strands of learning. These include:

Personal health and wellbeing


Living in the wider world

PSHE curriculum

The PSHE curriculum is based on a set of three strands of learning. These include:

  • Personal health and wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the wider world

Students are empowered to make good choices using all the information they need about a range of topics they currently encounter as well as those they will experience beyond their education at Canbury. PSHE is delivered to every year throughout the school and the modules of study fit together so that knowledge and skills develop as students progress through the school.

Through the delivery of PSHE students are taught the British values of democracy; the rule of law; individual liberty; mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. In addition PSHE provides an excellent platform to discuss spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


