Business Studies
Business Studies
The OCR GCSE Business Studies course aims develop students’ knowledge and understanding of business theory and practice as well as develop the essential analysis and communication skills necessary to cultivate successful business opportunities.
This GCSE specification requires students to:
- actively engage in the study of business to develop as effective and independent learners and critical and reflective thinkers
- use an enquiring approach to distinguish facts and opinions and make informed judgements
- develop and apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary issues in a range contexts
- appreciate the range of perspectives of different stakeholders
- consider ethics and sustainability of business activity.
Students are also expected to develop the following skills:
- practical skills in time management, personal organisation and action planning
- presentational skills in addressing audiences using a variety of media and forms
- personal skills in showing evidence of progression
- interpersonal skills in communication and group work
- cognitive skills in reflection and review of their own and others’ performances
Specification: Business (9-1) – J204
Business 01: Business activity, marketing and people
Students are introduced to business concepts and issues concerning the activities of a business. They explore the purpose and role of a business from spotting an opportunity through to the growth of an established business. They also look at the role of marketing and human resources.
Business 02: Operations, finance and influences on business
Students take a closer look at the role of operations and finance in business activity. Operations include production processes, quality of goods and services, customer service, and working with suppliers. Finance covers its role, its sources, costs, profit and loss, cash and cash flow.
They also explore how business responds to external influences, such as ethical and environmental considerations, the economic climate and globalisation, and the interdependent nature of business.
Both Business 01 and 02 have an 80 Mark, 1 Hour 30 Minutes paper (50% of total GCSE)
Content Breakdown:
Year 10 – Business 01: Business activity, marketing and people
Business Activity
1.1 Role of Business and Enterprise
1.2 Business Planning
1.3 Business Ownership 3.2 Organisational Structures
1.4 Aims & Objectives
1.5 Stakeholders
1.6 Business Growth
2.1 Role of Marketing
2.2 Market Research
2.3 Market Segmentation
2.4 Marketing Mix
3.1 Human Resources
3.2 Organisational Structures
3.3 Communication in Business
3.4 Recruitment and Selection
3.5 Motivation and retention
3.6 Training and development
3.7 Employment law
Business 02: Operations, finance and influences on business
4.1 Production Processes
4.2 Quality of Goods & Services
4.3 Sales and Customer Service
4.4 Consumer Law
4.5 Business location
4.6 Working with Suppliers
5.1 Role of Finance
5.2 Sources of Finance
5.3 Revenue, Costs & Profits
5.4 Break-Even
5.5 Cash Flow
Influences on Business
6.1 Ethical Considerations
6.2 Climate
6.3 Globalisation
Post 16 BTEC Level 3 National Extended certificate in Business
The course that you will be studying will involve you working on 4 units over the next 2 years.
Students will study four modules:
- Unit 1: Exploring business (internal)
- Unit 2: Developing a marketing campaign (External)
- Unit 3: Personal and business finance (External)
- Unit 8: Recruitment and Selection (Internal)
What will I need to do to complete the course?
To gain a Level 3 Extended Certificate in Business you will need to complete two internally and to externally assessed units.
Completing internally assessed units
In these units you could be given opportunities to:
- write up the findings of their own research
- use case studies to explore complex or unfamiliar situations
- carry out projects for which they have choice over the direction and outcomes
- demonstrate practical and technical skills using appropriate presentations and role plays.
- You must also make sure that your work meets all of the criteria to be able to achieve the higher marks. For example if you want a distinction you must complete the pass, merit and distinction criteria.
Completing externally assessed units
Each external assessment for a BTEC National is linked to a specific unit. Each assessment is taken under specified conditions, then marked by Pearson and a grade awarded. You are permitted to resit external assessments during their programme. The styles of external assessment used for qualifications in the Business suite are:
- examinations – all learners take the same assessment at the same time, normally with a written outcome
- set tasks – learners take the assessment during a defined window and demonstrate understanding through completion of a vocational task.
Expectations of students
We expect all students who enter onto this course to adhere to the following:
- Attend all lessons and be punctual.
- Complete all tasks set and meet all deadlines.
- Aspire and be committed to achieving the best grade possible.
- Whilst you may be asked to work in groups at times, all work should be your own, and should not be plagiarised.
- Students should be independent learners, who try and find their own solutions to their own problems wherever possible.
- Keep their folder up to date and tidy.
- Submit all work by the deadlines set.
- Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout your work
The benefits of undertaking the BTEC course
- You will receive a nationally-recognised Level 3 vocational qualification
- You will receive a nationally-recognised Level 3 vocational qualification
- You may have the opportunity to progress onto a higher level qualification
- You will develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes which will benefit you in future life.